GDPR - don't panic we can help!

Book now to beat the 25 May 2018 deadline...

A recent report featured on radio 4 suggested that only 8% of UK businesses will be GDPR compliant by the 25 May 2018 deadline.

Whilst this may be of some comfort to those who are not compliant, it will not be a defence should the Information Comissioner's Office (ICO) take an interest in your business.

As I write, you have two months to get compliant but even if you are not fully compliant by the deadline, you may find that ICO is somehwat more forgiving if you are travelling in the right direction.

In short, it's never too late to start on the path to compliance. A good place to start is to email or call us and book one of our interactive training sessions for your directors and senior staff.

We'll help you understand the issues and cut through the jargon in a way you can understand so that you can identify what needs to be done. We'll also conduct a "mini-audit" with your input as part of the session.

After your training we'll follow up with our views and proposals on where you stand and what you need to do to get compliant.

Call Matt Dowell now on 0113 247 3801 or Jodie Wildridge on 0113 357 3250 to book.

Posted By: Matthew Dowell
Posted: 20 March 2018
2018 01 20 47 GDPR - don't panic we can help!